Hooray! We have completed Round 1 of the document scavenger hunt! And with only mild discomfort. Quite a few miles on the vehicles, though. Now we wait as the documents get translated. Assuming everything is accepted by Russia (which it should be), then we will be receiving the official "Referral" soon. Maybe the next couple of weeks or so. Then it will be time to pack our bags for first visit. Still have a tough time believing it.
In the meantime, we keep busy with continued fundraising. Right now I am doing a Saturday morning outdoor circuit training workout for donations. Yesterday I had three victims (I mean participants). It was a lot of fun, and helped to continue to chip away at the goal. Check out facebook for updates (if you are not our friends on facebook, then what are you waiting for?). Also, we are heavy into making arrangements for a benefit concert in November. Please keep your eyes and ears open to updates on that one. It promises to be a very enjoyable evening, and one you're not going to want to miss.
Speaking of chipping away, we continue to do so with Elijah as well. A rollercoaster ride is definitely the best way to describe it. 2+ years and sometimes we still wonder if we just got home. Same issues, bigger kid. But the peaks of his progress keep getting higher, and the valleys he often sinks into are not quite as deep and not quite as wide. But they are still there. Just a reminder that only God can change the heart. All we can continue to do is show him love unconditionally and positive direction consistently. The rest is in His hands. Isn't that just like God...