Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thank You!

It's been at times a difficult transition coming back home. There is something to be said for being over in Russia and being purely focused on the task at hand, with few distractions. But now, trying to juggle the adoption with all that entails, as well as the regular difficulties and distractions of our daily life it can sometimes be overwhelming. But it's just in those moments when I feel life bear down heavily that God reminds me that He's got Alexander covered. That He's taking care of it. Another couple of donations and the Lord working in the hearts of a few different people on Alexander's behalf has put us another large step closer to Alexander coming home.

So this Thanksgiving I'm thankful for the fact that God cares about Alexander. That even though Alexander doesn't realize it right now, he has a whole community of people that care about him, and that he has a God that has already planned and secured a future for him. I'm thankful for the hearts of His people and how they allow themselves to be moved. I'm thankful that because of the sacrificial gift of Jesus, His people are compelled to give sacrificially themselves. What a wonderful blessing for our family to see God's people being His hands and His feet in and around our life and Alexander's. And I'm thankful for what the adoptions of Elijah and Alexander have taught me about God, faith, sacrifice, and love.

From Alexander....Thank You!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Cutest Cross-Eyed Boy You'll Ever Meet

Today was day number 2 with Alexander at the orphanage. What a wonderful little boy. Got to see both of his eyes today. He is the cutest little cross-eyed boy you'll ever meet. First Park boy to need glasses for sure! It was a wonderful experience the whole time. 2 hours of just feeling our love grow for him minute-by-minute. He is truly a special little boy, and I can see his potential already. He is so ready for a family! He comes to both of us for hugs. He rests his head on our shoulder and relaxes. Looking forward to spending more time with him tomorrow, but not looking forward to saying goodbye. According to our facilitator here it will probably be mid-February when we go back to get him. Seems like an eternity, but it gives us time to come up with the rest of the money, about $23,000. Here are some pictures. No face, so we can share publicly. Can't wait until we get to share the whole package...


Monday, November 15, 2010

So Much the Same

Well, yesterday was the first day we got to meet Alexander in the flesh. It started like most days here in Kras. Buffet breakfast in the hotel (Better than I remember from last time. Sara got her hot chocolate!). Got to talk to the boys from the hotel room (free Wi-Fi in the rooms now!). Went downstairs to wait for our ride to the Ministry of Education appointment. Same cat lounging on the couch in the lobby (how long do cats live?). Nice warm day in Siberia (up in the 40's). Met the same translator (she didn't remember us...what's up with that!). The appointment with the Ministry of Education went well. Same lady there and same inane questions, though most were directed on how Elijah was doing because we had already been through the ropes. Then it was off to meet Alexander. All the familiar sites on the 45 minute drive. The orphanage was updated inside, which was nice to see. The smells were the same though. We were informed that he wears a patch over one eye to correct a "lazy eye" condition, so we only had to wait a little while until our little pirate came into the room (Sara has already nicknamed him "Patchy"). Our 2-hour visit was wonderful! He took to us much quicker than Elijah did, but he is so much like his brother. They look very similar and we just had to laugh that the same games we played with Elijah were the same games that Alexander wanted to play. They are definitely cut from the same mold. Elijah's beautiful blue eyes are replaced with the deepest chocolate brown eyes I've ever seen. He'll be the first in the family! Both of us felt very good about the visit and can't wait to go back today. Had dinner at Cinnabon (more of that authentic Russian fare) and turned in early. Sorry, but I can't post any pictures of Alexander's face. I was going to take a picture of him from behind to post, but I forgot. I will take one today. In the meantime, here's a few pictures of Elmo on his adventures to tide you over. Until tomorrow...


You Make All Things Work Together for My Good

Amidst the familiarity of everything around me, I have gone to searching within myself to figure out what is different about this journey versus last. I sometimes glance back at old blog posts, and it at times feels like a different person wrote the words that I read. I guess that’s a good thing. It means I have matured, or grown over the past 5 years. I haven’t written much this time around because it feels like I have said it all before. But lately there is one thing that I know I feel differently about. And that is my boys’ mother. I remember after meeting Elijah and seeing the damage done by living in an orphanage, my first instinct was to blame his mother. And in some ways, rightfully so. But this time with Alexander, if feels different. I don’t know why mom keeps having children, though I have my suspicions. I don’t know what the road of her life has looked like that has lead her to this place. I feel genuine sadness in my heart over the journey that she has been on. I don’t claim to know what the abortion culture is like over here in Russia, but this I do know. Their mom gave birth to them, and by doing so gave them a chance. It is very clear to me that God has a plan for the lives of these boys. And if you read back through history, you will see countless times how God works seemingly bad things for good. I believe that these boys are a gift to this world, and if I were ever to meet her I would tell her “thank you” for bringing these two special boys into the world, and I would pray that the story of her boys’ lives and God’s amazing plan for them would point her to the fact that no matter how far gone you feel you might be, you are never out of the reach of God’s arms. And that He can work your bad for good if you just let him…


Saturday, November 13, 2010


At 7pm we took off from LAX en route to Moscow. The flight over on Aeroflot was a pleasant surprise. This time we had individual monitors with movies and video games, unlike the visits to Elijah. Also, they have a camera mounted on the front of the plane and you can watch takeoff and landing live while it's happening. Sara doesn't like these parts of the flight to begin with, so this put her a little over the top. Not much sleep happening on the flight over, so we were pretty beat when we reached Moscow. We had 2 1/2 hours to get to our domestic flight to Krasnoyarsk. Everything went without a hitch. A lot of improvements at the airport from 2 1/2 years ago, so we had a much easier time of it. Slept a little on the flight to Krasnoyarsk, arriving at around 6am Sunday morning. It was pretty much a 24-hour endeavor. But we are here, and now that the travel portion is complete, the excitement begins. I couldn't help but laugh as I drove the 30 minutes from the Krasnoyarsk Airport to the hotel. All the familiar sites. Even greeting our two helpers at the airport. It didn't seem like any time had passed since we were last here. And I am pretty sure that stepping into the orphanage is probably going to be the same. But the visit will be new and unique. I thought about Alexander as we were landing, and how he has no idea that a new life awaits him. Just any old day for him. How many times do we wake up in the morning thinking that this will be just "any old day", and not even realize the potential that it holds. One of my "any old days" lead me back here for a second time, a place I never imagined I would return to, at least not in this fashion. Embrace your "any old day" and make it something special...

Off to the orphanage tomorrow morning!


(Also, I totally forgot that Russians clap for the pilots when the plane touches down. Classic. I think I'll start a trend in the U.S.!)

Friday, November 12, 2010

Deja vu

Hey all! I'm sitting at the gate at LAX waiting for our flight to Moscow. Even though we've done this before, I'm still a little apprehensive about what lies ahead. Though we have done this before, I'm still trying to soak up this experience in all its subtle nuances that will make it different than the time before. Like saying goodbye to four wonderful little boys, and not just three. And sharing a seat with Elmo this time instead of Curious George. May God teach us new and amazing things on this journey. And may we find our son healthy and ready to meet his new parents. Please keep us in your prayers.