Monday, April 28, 2008

1 Corinthians 15:58

1 Corinthians 15:58
Therefore, my dear brothers, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Check This Out

I read a post from another blog that we follow, a couple ministering in Zambia to orphaned children, and it touched me so much that I wanted to share it with you all. Please visit their blog at and check out their post titled "Thoughts on the Cross" posted April 16. What perspective.


Monday, April 21, 2008

The latest update...

So in case your trying to keep up with all that is happening, this is the latest update. PRAISE THE LORD!!! We are so relieved to say that the licensing agency has finally written the letter needed for the court! After over 3 stressful months, we will soon have it in our hands!!! Now all we have to do is find a way to get it apostilled in Sacramento and we will be done with that doc at least! We have an amazing story about the health insurance letters. Last week we were told that what we submitted to the court for health insurance was no longer acceptable. So we went down to the main Kaiser Permanente office and pleaded with them to write us the letters that we needed. The first lady that we talked to was only about 50% sure that she could get us what we needed, and that if it all worked out it would take at least a week to get them back. At that point we said we would take whatever we could get. Just then, her supervisor came up to the front desk. We told him what we were needing from Kaiser and he amazingly said that he personally would take care of it right away and call us as soon as it was done. The next day we received a phone call from him saying the letters were written and could come down anytime to pick them up! We then called to set up a time that our mobile notary could meet us at his office to have everything signed. The story gets better. This is what I truly can't believe. He not only personally wrote the letters for us, but said that he would meet us at Postal Annex on his lunch break to get them notarized! This wonderful man went totally out of his way to help us get what we needed for court. Amazing! So that brings us to our homeowner's insurance. It wouldn't seem like this would be difficult to get right? As with all things adoption, this too is just par for the course. 3 weeks ago we asked our agent to send us a copy of our home owners insurance policy. He assured us that we would have it by the end of the week. The week came and went. We called several times to request it again only to be told that it was sent. Nothing ever came in the mail except for a new quote for car insurance. We come to find out that he basically forgot to request it. He then told us that he would request it but informed us that his office could not send it to us, but that he would have to contact the main office in LA and request it. He said they should have it in the mail on Wednesday and that we should receive it no later than Friday. The weekend came and went - no letter. So Jeremy called him back up today. The agent told us that it could take up to a week for the request to be made. So that is where we stand with that. Needless to say after this adoption is over we will be shopping around for a new homeowners insurance company. If he can't give us a simple copy of our existing policy, what would he do if we had to a file a claim? All in all, I think things are coming together. We could possibly be done paperchasing by the end of the week. Please keep us in your prayers as we are not only are dealing with all of this adoption stress, but we've had a week and a house full of sore throats, snotty noses, 104 degree fevers and pink-eye. Please pray for healing in our household.

New Update: We recieved the homeowner's insurance policy today!! We should be getting everything apostilled tomorow and on then it's on to Russia!


Monday, April 14, 2008

Adoption Land Pt 2- Fast Pass & The Scrambler

Step right up and get your tickets!

Adoption Land is not known for its fast-moving lines. We've been waiting in the "Agency Letter" line for 3 1/2 months, apparently not aware that we've been holding a "Fast Pass" (for those who've been to Disneyland, you know what I'm talking about) all along, and could have taken the short line. Apparently, due to miscommunication somewhere between the licensing agency, America World, and our Homestudy Agency we've been unable to get the "Agency License" letter completed, but found out today from our AWAA Coordinator that it could have been done a long time ago. As we pass under the rope from one line to the next, please pray that our "Fast Passes" haven't expired and that we'll get to ride soon.

Adoption Land also has "The Scrambler". Ever been on that ride at the local fair? The one that spins you around in circles in little cars, and every so often you'll pass the same point where a friend or loved one is usually standing waving like a fool, and you try your best not to vomit all over them. You know which one I'm talking about? We were asked to submit a letter from our Health Insurance provider stating that Misha will be covered when he comes to live with us. We contacted our Insurance provider and were given the procedure to procure this letter. Then, we were told we didn't need it and that a copy of our benefits manual signed by both us and our social worker would suffice. Over 3 months later, we find out that, in fact, we need it after all and the court is wondering where it is. So today I make the same phone calls I made three months ago, and tomorrow I drive down to take care of something I could have done a long time ago if I had only known. I know I've passed this way before, and I'm feeling the nausea coming on.

In the meantime, Misha waits on the beauracracy of the Golden State and we wait unnecessarily in long lines and spin in nauseating circles. But to the glory of God I say, pass me the Dramamine and bring on the "Tilt-a-Whirl"...


Sunday, April 13, 2008

"Adoption Land" (No Mice with White Gloves Here)

We are ready to embark on another week in the fun-house we know as "Adoption Land", and I am somewhat apprehensive about what this week may bring. Will our final remaining document get signed this week? Or will another week go by with no word? It seems that so many people whose stories we have followed for the past two years are home with their children and are on to their new chapter, post-"Adoption Land". And lately we have at times felt alone, a little left behind. But I also feel that in some ways a torch has passed. There are many out there reading our blog regularly that are still in the early stages of their process, looking to us for some information and an idea of what the process is going to hold for them. And there's something that I want to say for those in that boat.

God has used every day in this adoption process to draw me closer to him. I have been a Christian my whole life. I've gone to church since I was smaller than Misha. I went to Christian college. Married a good "Christian girl". I have read my Bible (sort of) and prayed (kind of). I've played bass guitar in the worship band since high school and been involved in small groups at my home church. Even taught small groups. On the surface, it would seem that I fit the mold of "typical Christian". But it wasn't until this process that I realized how much my relationship with God was lacking. I read my Bible because it was what I was supposed to do as a "Christian". I prayed because the Bible told me to do it. I sang worship songs because that's what you do for the first 15 minutes of church service. Oh, what I was missing.

Thanks to the trials and ups and downs of this rollercoaster that is "the adoption experience", I am so much closer to God than I have ever been and ever knew I could be. I now pray not because the Bible tells me to do it, but because I need to do it. It is water for my thirsty soul. I don't read God's word because I feel like I'm supposed to, but because it is bread to my hungry heart. Sometimes I am so consumed with hunger to fill my head with knowledge of God that I'm bummed if I'm busy with something else or away from my Bible and spiritual books. Songs that I have listened to a hundred times before now bring me to tears (please take some time to listen to some of the songs on the playlist at the bottom of the blog for this reason). I feel his presence permeate every aspect of my life, yet I want more. I have never hungered or thirsted for God in my entire life as a "Christian" as I do now. And the more I get, the more I want.

And I have this awesome struggle to thank. This experience that has brought out a deluge of every possible emotion (fear, anguish, indescribeable joy, pain, doubt, trust, despair, love, friendship, fatigue, faith). And it has taken every day of this 2 year and 3 month process for God to draw me where I am today. Don't get me wrong. I want Misha here so badly that sometimes it is hard to breathe. But, dear friend who is struggling with your unique journey in this amusement park we call "Adoption Land", embrace the journey with all you have and with all you are. Let God open you up to a life you have never experienced before. Let God use this process to draw you in where you said you always wanted to go but could never get there. Experience His grace and provision in ways you never imagined before. Believe in ways that you have never believed before and never knew you could. Step out of the boat and onto the water, and know that you will not sink. Dear friend, He loves you with a love that surpasses anything our little human brains can even begin to comprehend.

In a very small way, I am apprehensive about this adoption process ending. After all we've gone through, you'd think I was crazy for saying this. But it is beacause I fear that I will go back to living life the way I used to before God made himself so real to me that I swear I touched Him when I touched Misha for the first time. But I know that this adoption process is just one chapter in this story He is writing, and I can't wait to turn the next page......


Thursday, April 10, 2008

Snakes.......I hate snakes.

Praise God! This afternoon we braved the ancient hallowed ruins of the doctor's office, 80 year-old notary and whip in hand to procure the Holy Grail of all adoption documents..........(insert drumroll)......the doctor's medical license. They didn't see us coming, and were no match for Frances and her click pen and stamp and me and my Arnold Schwarzenegger "Terminator" sunglasses and tattered Fedora (ok...San Diego Chargers hat). Dodging the blowdarts coming from the eyes of the front desk workers and outrunning the huge stone ball as it rolled down the steps after us, threatening to crush us, we broke free from the shadows of the doctors office into the bright San Diego sunshine, holding aloft the precious notarized document, worth its weight in gold in Russian rubles.

We'll get the other two documents notarized and apostilled on Monday, leaving us with the agency license as the only document standing in the way of a court date. Please pray that the individual from the Licensing service responsible for writing the letter will agree to do it quickly and without issue. It is on her desk right now, and we were told today that there is nothing any of us can really do now except wait and see.

Even though God's ways don't always make sense to me, I know that He is faithful and good and true. I know He loves Mikhail and will bring him home to us when He decides it is time. In the meantime we continue to trust and wait.....


Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Correction - 1 down 3 to go

Jeremy went down to San Diego today to have our documents apostilled. The people over the counter informed him that the certified copy of original signed by myself and our notary, could not be apostilled. Apparently the wording on the document was no longer valid. This means that we have to go back to the children's doctor's office for the 4th time and have the document signed all over again. This wouldn't normally be much of a problem if we were dealing with understanding people in the doctor's office. They are frustrated with us for asking them to sign all of this paperwork because as they say, "we deal with sick children, and childhood emergencies". Nobody wants to go out of their way to take 5 minutes and sign some documents for our adoption. I guess they don't view a little boy stuck in an orphanage for the first 2 years of his life being undernourished and neglected "sick" or a "childhood emergency". Needless to say, Jeremy and I will be battling it out for who gets to be the one to go back to the office. Either way, we know that we are Mikhail's voice and we will march back in there and plead with them to sign it one more time. This time with the correct wording.

Monday, April 7, 2008

2 Down 2 to go!

Answer to prayer #1 - After 2 failed attempts we were finally able to get the children's doctors medical license.
Answer to prayer #2 - The state police clearance letters that could take up to 8 weeks were delivered into our hands in just 4 days!

Psalm 144:1-2 Praise be to the Lord my Rock, who trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle. He is my loving God and my fortress, my stronghold and my deliverer, my shield, in whom I take refuge, who subdues peoples under me.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

The Battle Continues

The battle continues. We have believed from the beginning that adoption is something that is close to God's heart. And this has only been confirmed over and over again in a couple different ways. One obvious way is the way that God has continually provided for us and Mikhail in the securing of the funds to complete this adoption. It is only through His miraculous provision that we are able to bring him home. But another, not as obvious way is in the struggles and the battles that we have faced during this process. It is obvious to us that someone out there doesn't want Mikhail to have a home, and is putting up roadblock after roadblock, difficulty after difficulty in the way, trying to make us lose heart and give up. But I believe that if this adoption wasn't that important, it would happen without much difficulty. But because it is so important to God, the powers of evil will do everything possible to stop it.

These new documents that the court is requiring are just one battle. But we are going to keep fighting until the court has every document they require, no matter how long it takes.

But the battle is coming on another front. With news of another death of an adopted Russian child at the hands of abusive American parents, one region in Russia is halting adoptions for a month as it figures out where to go from here. We do not know what this will mean for our region in particular or Russia as a whole, but we ask for your prayers in this regard. This is one of the reasons that the requirement for these new documents is so hard for us. We just want to swoop in and grab Mikhail before someone tells us we can't. It's not fair that he should suffer because of the misdeeds of another family, yet the potential is still there that he will.

Please pray for our family and for Mikhail, that we will be able to complete all the necessary documents and that he will come home soon. We are confident that God has a plan in all of this that we don't yet see. It's just that we left a huge piece of our hearts in Krasnoyarsk with him, and we need it back. In the meantime, God fills that empty hole with the promise that He will not leave us or forsake us, and that though we may walk through the valley of the shadow of death, we will fear no evil for He is with us.