Monday, March 31, 2008

More Documents!

I can't believe what a relief it is not to have to worry about the adoption expenses anymore. I still find myself with my mouth open sitting there in disbelief that we have all of the funds to finish this. This weight off of our shoulders definitely makes today's news much more bearable. Our agency has given us a list of additional documents needed for court. This is good news because it means that the someone (possibly the court) is looking at our file. If this is the case, we could be getting our court date call soon. The problem is that these docs are proving to be like most of the others, impossible to get. We have literally been either on the phone or the computer all day trying to get something - anything done! The police clearances that we had are not acceptable and need to be re-done. This we found out could take up to 8 weeks! By the way, we have had to have our fingerprints and background checks taken 5 times already since the beginning of this process. Along with that, we are at a complete impasse as far as getting the letter from our homestudy agency about the license. It seems nobody wants to budge on the wording of the document. And, if that wasn't enough for one day, we also found out that the grant deed that we submitted is not acceptable to the court either because it only mentions the property and not the house. So, we are now trying to locate other documents from the county recorders office with more "specific" information. But, like I said, it is much easier to handle all of this news knowing that the major financial hurdle has been passed. Thank you again for all of you that have donated and prayed for us. Please keep us in your prayers as we try to complete this next set of documents.


Deb said...

Ugh! I'm so glad you're able to focus on the blessing and not the headache of the paperwork chase. Sounds like you need to attach Mikhail's picture to some things with a pleading letter. But the Home Study document is ridiculous that they won't change it.

3 became 4... said...

Amazing! And not in a good way...
We're praying for your and looking forward to seeing you again SOON!
Love in Christ,
Lyn and Dennis

Lori said...

Hey guys...Just wanted to check in and let you know we are praying for you! I am highly emotional...each day I go to the orphanage and I see so many children, some of whom will never have families...You are wonderful people and all of this is for them, for him, your son...amazing! Hang worth every hurdle you have to jump!