Tuesday, July 6, 2010

We're Not Alone

Well, friends. It's definitely time for an update. If you know our family well, you know how much music plays an important part in our life. If the song has begun on this blog, then I ask that you listen to the words, and then read on. Many of you have probably heard it, and if not then here you go.

If there were a song written to sum up what our life is about right now, and in a few words why we have decided to give Alexander a home, then this is the one. Every time I hear the chorus "Love will hold us together. Make us a shelter to weather the storm. And I will be my brother's keeper. So the whole world will know that we're not alone." I think of Alexander. It is love, a love only possible because God first loved us, that is driving us to adopt Alexander. I think of the fact that he needs a shelter for the storms of his life. I know that he needs a "keeper", and God has called our family to be that "keeper". And the reason for why we are doing this adoption, "So the whole world will know that we're not alone".

In Matthew 25, Jesus called us to care for "the least of these", because he knew that if we did so, then the world would understand why he came, and more importantly why he died. And when we realize that this life is not about "us", then we truly have an opportunity to experience the life that he had planned for us. A life not necessarily filled with the promise of fortune, fame, or the easy life, but rather a life filled with the promise of a deeper meaning that will last a lifetime and beyond. This is what has happened from the moment that we committed to Him that we were going to give this little child that He loves a home...

We are excited to tell you that since our last post we have received a number of donations from some incredible people that God has touched to help Alexander. We have as of today received just over $18,000!!!!!! I will repeat that...$18,000!!!!! Two things I will say about this. 1-God is working in the hearts of his people again. That so many people would love Alexander this much without even knowing him would not be possible through any earthly means. This kind of love is only possible because it is a perfect mirror of God's love for us. How fortunate we are, and how fortunate Alexander is! And 2-if you are still feeling like you've never experienced God in a tangible way, this is what you do. Step out and love the unlovable. That is where you'll find Him.

I couldn't finish a post without an update on Elijah. Of course, things are still a roller coaster with him, but the progress is evident. The baby steps are continuing. He spent the entire weekend at grandma and grandpa's for fourth of July and had a wonderful time without incident. It was wonderful! He is getting closer and closer to his brothers. More affectionate with family. In fact, he is finally (after 2 years) coming to Sara without prompting asking for hugs and kisses. Coming face-first with arms wide open. Wow! I tear up just thinking about it. This is how it's supposed to be. I know it doesn't sound like much, but for a child with a past like Elijah's, this is huge! More updates (and pictures too) coming soon. Thank you for all your prayers and support, and stay tuned...


1 comment:

Heather Brandt said...

Wow! God is removing those obstacles between you and your son! I'm so excited to hear this and will continue praying for you all!
