Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thank You!

It's been at times a difficult transition coming back home. There is something to be said for being over in Russia and being purely focused on the task at hand, with few distractions. But now, trying to juggle the adoption with all that entails, as well as the regular difficulties and distractions of our daily life it can sometimes be overwhelming. But it's just in those moments when I feel life bear down heavily that God reminds me that He's got Alexander covered. That He's taking care of it. Another couple of donations and the Lord working in the hearts of a few different people on Alexander's behalf has put us another large step closer to Alexander coming home.

So this Thanksgiving I'm thankful for the fact that God cares about Alexander. That even though Alexander doesn't realize it right now, he has a whole community of people that care about him, and that he has a God that has already planned and secured a future for him. I'm thankful for the hearts of His people and how they allow themselves to be moved. I'm thankful that because of the sacrificial gift of Jesus, His people are compelled to give sacrificially themselves. What a wonderful blessing for our family to see God's people being His hands and His feet in and around our life and Alexander's. And I'm thankful for what the adoptions of Elijah and Alexander have taught me about God, faith, sacrifice, and love.

From Alexander....Thank You!

1 comment:

Heather Brandt said...

I'm so excited to continue following your journey to precious Alexander! Your family inspires me and I'm praying that God will be glorified through the provision of the money you lack for the adoption.
