It is finished! The 10-day wait period is over, and Micah Aleksandr Park is now a part of our family! We left around 9am for the orphanage. We were informed along the way that we would not get to dress Micah at the orphanage (which we were able to do for Elijah). We were bummed about this, but so much of this experience has been different than the last time around, so we just accepted it as par for the course. He was super cute coming down the hall decked out in his jacket and hat, even though it was slated to be over 80 degrees today. We exchanged gifts with the orphanage director and his caretakers, snapped a few pictures, and we were in the van. We were expecting pretty much an hour straight of crying in the van, but he slept for most of it. They usually give the kids anti-nausea medication before they leave, so I'm sure that's what made him tired. But when he was awake, he was very content to look at the passing cars and watch the scenery fly by.
We were unsure what to expect when we got the apartment, so we just decided to play it by ear. The afternoon was wonderful! We fed him lunch, and he ate perfectly, letting Sara feed him as we had planned. We took a nice, long walk after lunch. He let me carry him most of the way, even laying his head on my shoulder for at least half of it. It was a very special time because that is the closest he has let me get to him all trip! We played a little in the park and at the playground here at the apartment as well. He ate dinner perfectly, bathtime was a success, and Sara rocked him to sleep to end the day. We couldn't have hoped or prayed for a better first day with Micah.
He still would fall back into crying occasionally, and we know that as days go by the honeymoon period will end, but today was a great start and really gave us the boost we needed to make it through the last 7 days here until we get home. It is a wonderful feeling to know that Micah's new life is beginning, and that he has so many firsts ahead of him. I consider it an honor that the Lord chose us to walk with him through them...
SO good to see Jeremy with Micah! What a blessing that he is now depending on your both for his comfort! What memories I have as I read your blog. Memories of us just one year ago. Wow. Can't believe how fast the time passes. I also identified with the picture of the bath with the strange colored water. I DON'T miss that! :) Love and blessings to your family as you bond together in Kras, travel to Moscow and then HOME for good! We are having dinner with the Franks tonight and will think of you as we converse! :)
So glad to hear your first day with Micah went so well...the photos are heartwarming and he is so adorable. Can't wait to meet him in person and see him at home with his brothers!!! The Park family is complete!!! You are truly blessed!
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