Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Clue and Comedy Central

Tomorrow will mark the 2-month mark of being home with Micah. Up to this point, it has been a much different experience this time around versus 3 years ago with Elijah. While the time in Russia was very easy with Elijah and a struggle with Micah, the time at home has been the opposite. Micah has taken to his new home with much joy, reckless abandon, and a fair measure of purposeful naughtiness. He definitely spends more of his waking hours smiling than not. He loves his brothers, and they have taken to him as well. He is gentle with Brinkley, our now 9-year-old Golden Retriever, and wants to be with people all the time (even if they would prefer a little alone time).

But as any parent of a two-year-old knows, it is not all cupcakes and Chuck E. Cheese's around here. Let's just say that if we were playing a game of Clue, the culprit would be Micah, in every room, with his own two hands. The boy wants to touch EVERYTHING! And when you tell him no, you'd think he was watching Comedy Central. He's just now starting to get the lay of the land, so it has slowed down a bit. But turn your back on him for one second and he's out the back door and halfway across the yard on the Incredible Journey. And the eating.....and eating....and eating....and eating. If we didn't say "when", I honestly believe that his belly would explode. (How does one go about explaining a large, gaping abdominal hole to a social worker on homevisit?) We've never had a football player in the family. Hmmm.....

He is just starting to talk. Watch the video below to see a little "mama" and "dada". Hope you enjoy!


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