Sunday, August 10, 2008

Be Still

All along this adoption process has been as much a spiritual journey for me as it has been a physical journey for Elijah. He has gained a family and I have gained a closer understanding of who God is.

My efforts at enhancing attachment with my new son have been extremely rewarding. In fact, just the other day he ran up to me without any coercing, arms outstretched as I was sitting on the couch, wrapped his little arms around me and gave me a hug and a kiss, then went on his merry little way. It floored me. Little steps.

Nighttime with me is going much better as well, with the snuggle time being much more relaxed and special. But a few nights ago he was not too happy with me putting him to bed instead of mommy, and he was showing his displeasure by complaining, fussing, and fidgeting in my lap in an attempt to get away. During these times I find it helpful to just pray out loud over him and talk softly to him. And during this particular time the words "Be still" came to mind. I found myself just saying this softly over and over to him while he struggled against my arms. And in that moment I looked down on his face and I saw myself. In him I saw all of my anxieties, all my fears, all my inadequacies, all my failures, all my futile attempts to be in control of every aspect of my life, all the times I take things from the hands of God and place them back in my own. I sat with Elijah, knowing full well that he was safe in my arms, that he was loved unconditionally, that he was taken care of and that his needs were going to be met. Yet I couldn't convince him of that fact and he thought he knew better. And I thought to myself, "isn't that just like me?". Me struggling with all my burdens and God sitting over me saying "Be still", promising to love me unconditionally, promising to take care of me, and promising to meet my needs while I complain, fuss, and struggle.

It just reminds me how important it is for me to continue to work on my attachment with my Father...


"Be still and know that I am God" (Psalm 46:10)


Deb said...

Those impromptu hugs are great.
Glad he is making good progress with attachement.
Great lesson you learned, thanks for sharing.

Chrystal said...

Love that verse.

I also often see myself in my daughter. While I sometimes hurt for her, I can't help but think about the amazing love of our Father. Not by chance, but by a divine plan, these children were placed in our arms. As we hold them, the Lord holds us, gently healing our wounds, loving us deeply and guiding us closer to Him.

We enjoy staying caught up on your blog. Take Care! :)