Monday, December 19, 2011

Up We Go

It's a fittingly cloudy day as I am sitting on my front porch for the last time, writing what will be the last in a string of entries from this house covering 2 adoptions and a complete spiritual transformation. I have been dreading this day for a long time. I had to take a deep breath before opening the door so the county rep could walk through and confirm that it was vacated. I had to hold back tears as I was signing the papers. The key ring feels noticeably lighter in my pocket. I walked around the outside one last time and was greeted with a flood of memories...all good. We moved here when Isaac was two and Benjamin was one. Ethan was born here. Elijah and Micah joined our family here. I can't fully explain it, but it is almost like leaving a member of the family behind. An always silent, but nevertheless important member. If I knew exactly what the future held, it might be a little easier. But I leave here with a few dollars in the bank, the strength of five resilient boys and an amazing wife alongside me, and faith in a God that promises He will be with us through the valleys. As I sit here on the cold asphalt step, I feel we have reached the floor of that valley. But the reality is there is no way to go but back up. And that's a good thing. Lord give us the strength as we begin the climb...


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