Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Renewed Purpose

This morning I woke up with a renewed sense of purpose (A good night sleep will do that to you). This past two weeks, spanning the time from when we got the court date until now has been one of the most trying two weeks of my life, both with adoption stuff and stuff outside of the adoption. So much so that both Sara and I were concerned that we would arrive to Russia and everything in our bodies would shut down. All the adrenaline that we had been living on for the past two weeks would be used up and we would collapse. But it was the prayers of friends and family that got us through these past two weeks, and I know that it is what will sustain us through these next four.

I know that these next four weeks are going to be fraught with their own sets of trials and complications (It already started last night with finding out that we would be paying double for our rooms for the first two nights). But we are at the final stage. The end is near. I can feel it as we get closer to Mikhail. I can feel the emotion welling up in me like a geyser. All of the work we had to do at home and all the waiting had sapped that from me, but I can feel it all coming back. And it’s wonderful. This thing that we are doing is supposed to be filled with joy. And while the battles that have been waged thus far have threatened to steal that joy from us, I sit here today and tell you that I won’t let it. Misha will be getting a home soon. That’s call for celebration.


1 comment:

John said...

You slept 5 to 6 hours on the plane?!