Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Changing Faces

The most amazing sight to see during the past 7 weeks has been the utterly amazing transformation in the physical appearence of this little boy. Having posted the most recent pictures of Elijah, I thought it would be an experience to post a few of the pictures from our first trip for everyone to compare the boy we first met in the orphanage with the boy we know now and see everyday. There is no mistaking the difference. No more blank stare. No more tension locked up in his face and his whole body. Those eyes that once looked so scared I now get lost in for minutes at a time. To those who wonder what the importance of "setting the lonely in families" is, look at the face of this little boy and know that he is finally where he was always meant to be, and the look that you see has been a long time coming but is here to stay...


Scroll down at all the pictures below that I've posted since we have been home to see the difference (my favorite of Elijah is still the one with his brothers in Home Depot aprons. It sits on my desk at work and I find myself staring at it for minutes at a time...doesn't help me get any work done for sure).


3 became 4... said...

Wow! I remember that... What a sweetheart! Wish I could see him in person now! The video was beautiful... hard for me to watch- it brought back a lot of memories and made me miss you guys so much!
Love ya!

Deb said...

What a difference a few months makes.
Powerful statement about setting the lonely in families.