Thursday, February 28, 2008


Sorry to say there is not much to report on the adoption process. We continue to wait for the petition to the court document, which they need before the Russian Court assigns us a court date. It is difficult to go day after day without any word on our progress. I pray that even though I can't see any movement at this time,that things are still moving along behind the scenes. In the meantime, we continue to get our house ready for a 2 year old. It's been a long time since we had one of those roaming around the house. Through a fun and unexpected donation, we were able to purchase some much needed baby equipment. Misha now has a crib with mattress, and a new carseat. I was also able to get a nice glider rocker for the many nights I am sure to be up rocking my baby to sleep. I have spent most of the week sanding our $10.00 garage sale find (see previous post). I should be able to paint it this weekend and have it all set up next week! It's so exciting to see these things in the house. It's finally starting to sink in that he could actually be coming home soon. After over two years of mounds of paperwork, endless fundraising, waiting and waiting, we finally get to do some of the fun stuff. I love decorating his room and buying his clothes and toys. All the while daydreaming what it will be like when he is here. I imagine him wearing some of the special outfits we have for him and wonder what toy he will love to play with most. I feel like I'm in the 8th month for an expectant mother. 25 months for me, I'm pretty sure that's longer than an elephant pregnancy! I feel a giddy glow around me and am enjoying this preparation time very much. Nesting some people might call it.


1 comment:

Lori said...

Worry not over the Petition. when It comes, it can be turned around immediately...just a few fill ins and a signature, apostille and back to biggie! It is coming!!!! Prayers, Lori