Friday, February 15, 2008

A Very Happy Valentine's Day

Yesterday we had a very nice Valentine's Day. It worked out that Jeremy did not have to go into work until 9:30am (he usually leaves the house at 4:00 a.m.), so he and the boys woke up early to surprise me with breakfast and sweet Valentines. Jeremy, my best friend and love of my life gave me a beautiful frame with pictures of my boys. Of course, included was the newest addition to the Park team, Mikhail, my little valentine on the other side of the world. Ethan made me a card filled with hearts, love, and 6 cents from his piggy bank to go toward the adoption. Benjamin also made me a card filled with his favorite things like teddy bears, hugs, and two hershey's kisses which were given in addition to two real kisses! These were wonderful gifts and truly made me feel loved. But the gift from my oldest son Isaac made me think of the real gift of love. The love of our heavenly father. Isaac loves to write songs and make albums for his "band". His lyrics are what I would expect from an eight-year-old, simple and repetitve but to the point. He simply writes from his heart about how much he loves God, and the great things that He has done for us. He writes songs that are truly what is heart is thinking. He always asks me why I don't write any songs or make albums. I always tell him I never have the right words. Yesterday he made a Valentine's adoption album for me, complete with artwork and lyrics, that truly was what my heart is thinking. Here is a song from his album.

Remember Me
Remember me as your Lord.
I love you so much.
Mommy remember Jesus!
For Free!
God is good remember?
Remember Mommy, Mikhail is safe in Russia.
Remember, are we running out of time?
Or are we at the starting line?
Remember the street children?
God is in control even through the toughest times.
Remember me.
Remember me.

The words of his album are truly those of my heart. His Valentine was a gift of true love. Not neccassarily from Isaac (although it was very sweet), but from God, whose love goes deeper than we can ever comprehend. He has given us an amazing gift of love. He will use whatever He can to help me to remember that He is in control, that He will always provide for us, and that He loves us so much. For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16 Thank you Lord Jesus!

If you want to read more of Isaac's adoption album I have put it as a link on the side bar.


1 comment:

Lori said...

Sara, I love the $ sweet and what a lovely contributuion from your son! Are you getting your bags packed yet? I can feel things moving!